
美国建筑师和家具设计师佛罗伦萨·诺尔(Florence Knoll)与丈夫共同创立了诺尔(Knoll)同事,并为美国战后设计的现代外观和感觉做出了贡献。

Florence Knoll.png

Image source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/florence_knoll#/media/File:Florence_Knoll.png


Florence Marguerite Knoll Bassett(néeSchust;1917年5月24日至2019年1月25日)是美国建筑师andfurniture designer。Born to a baker, and orphaned at age twelve, Florence Schust demonstrated an early interest in architecture and was enrolled at the金斯伍德女孩学校。Here Florence befriendedEliel Saarinen,她以后会在克兰布鲁克

佛罗伦萨在萨里宁家族中热烈拥抱,在芬兰与他们一起度假,享受了他们成熟的朋友的陪伴,并与Eliel’s son,eero。The connections she made and the skills she developed while at Cranbrook were the foundations of Florence Schust’s令人难以置信的设计教育and先锋ing career。With recommendations from Eliel Saarinen andAlvar Aalto,佛罗伦萨继续在一些20世纪最伟大的建筑师的领导下学习沃尔特·格罗普斯(Walter Gropius)andMarcel Breuerin Cambridge, Massachusetts andLudwig Mies van der Roheat the Illinois Institute of Technology.


Image source:https://www.knoll.com/the-archive/?mode=timeline&filtertype=tag&filtervalue=knollTextiles

汉斯·诺尔(Hans Knoll)和一家国际公司的诞生

In1941年,旨在追求建筑业的工作,佛罗伦萨搬到了纽约市,在那里见面汉斯·诺尔who was establishing his furniture company. Hans Knoll was the third generation of a Stuttgart-based furniture manufacturing family, and he sought to bringEuropean Modernism给美国的新听众。

The pair began working together, and soonFlorence Knoll was taking an increasingly significant rolein the company’saesthetic development除了她在设计办公室内饰方面的官方角色外。

不久之后,两个人都是业务伙伴,in 1946 the pair married,重命名公司Knoll Associates

With Florence’s design skills and Hans’ business acumen and salesmanship, the pair将新生的公司成长为国际风格和设计仲裁者。Florence also seeded contributions with her friends Eero Saarinen,哈里·贝托亚(Harry Bertoia),,,,and Mies van der Rohe.

佛罗伦萨·诺尔(Florence Knoll)粘贴的cowles出版物|小丘
佛罗伦萨·诺尔(Florence Knoll)粘贴了Cowles出版物。来自诺尔档案馆的图像。

Image source:https://www.knoll.com/designer/florence-knoll

A Tragic Accident

Unfortunately in1955年Florence’s life was struck by a second tragedy when Hans Knoll was killed in anautomobile accident,她突然发现自己是诺尔的唯一主人。

Still, Florence Knoll continued to run the Knoll Planning Unit and oversaw all design-related aspects of the company, includingshowroom designs, marketing, and advertising.

In 1956, Knoll introduced Eero Saarinen’s tulip chairs and pedestal

Image sourcehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/florence_knoll#/media/File:Saarinen_Tulpanstolen.jpg

In1957年,诺尔计划部门开始与First National Bank迈阿密。她嫁给了银行​​的头,哈里·胡德·巴塞特(Harry Hood Bassett), 次年。

佛罗伦萨·诺尔·巴塞特(Florence Knoll Bassett)以她的身份继续小丘’s presidentand later as its设计总监,但最终sold the company to Art Metal Construction Company in 1959。即使她离开小丘,公司continued to be inspired by her synthetic view of design and rigorous standards.

尽管她退休了1965年,佛罗伦萨·诺尔·巴塞特(Florence Knoll Bassett)定期重新点燃了她与诺尔(Knoll)的关系,完成了最后一个计划项目,并从事与公司遗产以及她自己在家具和室内装饰方面的工作有关的展览。


Image source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/florence_knoll#/media/file:diamond_chair_-_harry_bertoia,_mnam.jpg


佛罗伦萨的生活是成就的出演,与丈夫一起,她被认为是杰出的美国设计师谁有开创性家具设计and制造过程。她创造了现代外观andfeel of America’s postwar corporate officewith sleek furniture, artistic textiles and an uncluttered, free-flowing workplace environment. The company she formed with her husband, Knoll Associates, grew to become the leading innovator of modern interiors and furnishings in the 1950s and 1960s, transforming the CBS, Seagram and Look magazine headquarters in Manhattan.

她的“全面设计”受到青睐打开工作区over private offices, and furniture grouped for informal discussions. It integrated照明,鲜艳的颜色,,,,chairs molded like tulip petals, collegially oval meeting tables, sofas and desks with chrome legs and multilevel interiors,more architectural than decorative,,,,with open-riser staircases that seemed to float in the air.
Florence Knoll Bassett’s contributions tomodernism美国的设计是不可估量的。由于这些原因,她很荣幸国家艺术勋章in 2002

佛罗伦萨·诺尔(Florence Knoll)获得了2002年国家艺术勋章的荣誉。
佛罗伦萨·诺尔·巴塞特(Florence Knoll Bassett)因其对现代设计的不可估量的贡献而被授予全国艺术奖章。2003

Image source:https://www.knoll.com/the-archive/?mode=timeline&filtertype=tag&filtervalue=knollTextiles

Design Pioneer

Florence Knoll’s细致的方法评估a client’s needs她的草图,注释,尤其是“paste-up” cardboard modelsshe used to demonstrate envisioned spaces.独特的视觉计划技术,她的粘贴将带有折叠墙,家具的图纸和内饰的织物样品,都伴随着详细的音符。

Responding to direct needs encountered while working on projects and finding the market lacking, Florence Knoll designed seating, tables and case goods. Over the years, Florence Knoll designs, which she had conceived as background architecture, have proven to be设计经典all their own.

Image source:https://www.knoll.com/the-archive/?mode=timeline&filtertype=tag&filtervalue=knollTextiles

Main Works

  • Florence Knoll Lounge Collection
  • 佛罗伦萨knoll放松休息室收藏
  • Florence Knoll Tables and Storage
  • Florence Knoll Coffee and End Tables

Many of the works by Florence Knoll are considered realmasterpieces of American Design。值得一提的是佛罗伦萨75凳子。The early design was based on Shu’s wire studies done while she was a student at the Cranbrook Academy of Art, which were eventually translated to the immensely popular design for Knoll. Another example of the reserved and cool designs of Florence is the佛罗伦萨诺尔餐桌。严重而角度,它反映了1960年代初期的客观完美主义。大理石和钢的交流赋予了持久的吸引力和结构化的简单性。

Florence Knoll relaxed lounge collection (sofa).

Image source:https://www.knoll.com/shop/living-room/sofas

小丘Dining Room Chairs
The Knoll seating collection includes mid-century modern dining chairs.

Image sourcehttps://www.knoll.com/shop/dining-room/dining-and-guest-chairs

Info sources:







