Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446)

Filippo Brunelleschi was an Italian architect, sculptor, and jeweler. Also known as the first architect of the Renaissance, he formulated the principles of linear perspective, which were applied in the pictorial depiction of space until the end of the 19th century.

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他于1377年出生在佛罗伦萨的一个贵族公证人家族,是三个儿子中的第二个。Brunelleschi最初被研究为金匠和雕塑家,他参加了Arte Della Seta。目前尚不清楚他如何成为建筑师。此外,布鲁内尔斯基从Gothicmedieval style to the new architecturalRenaissance风格仍然是一个谜。Brunelleschi也以军事防御工事in several Italian cities. He died in Florence on April 15, 1446, and was buried in theCathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore.

Filippo Brunelleschi
布鲁内雷斯基(Brunelleschi)的雕像,路易吉·潘帕洛尼(Luigi Pampaloni),1830年


His major works

His most important project was the dome that encloses the Cathedral of Florence (Santa Maria del Fiore), also known as the “Brunelleschi’s Dome“. Here the architect surpassed himself: at that time it was the largest dome in the world and it stands without supporting structures. Its stability is provided by the architectural elements of the cathedral. The dome is a masterpiece of beauty and engineering, an innovative structure for its time, and in many ways it is unmatched. The cathedral was completed and consecrated in 1436, but part of the dome remained unfinished after Brunelleschi’s death: the top of the drum.

Filippo Brunelleschi从Giotto的Campanile那里的圆顶视图
Brunelleschi’s dome, Santa maria del Fiore, Florence, Italy


Florence, Italy
Santa Maria del Fiore-Florence, Italy


他的另一个主要建筑工作是无辜医院, also known as the Foundling Hospital. The Innocenti façade was a new word in Florentine architecture, distinctly different frommedieval建筑物。


图像来源: Ramella

Many of the structures built by Brunneleschi are considered key earlyRenaissance结构。按顺序Medici family in 1420,建筑师在佛罗伦萨建造了圣洛伦佐和圣洛伦佐大教堂的祭祀;Pazzi教堂,由Pazzi家族于1429年委托;圣玛丽亚·德格利·安吉利(Santa Maria Degli Angeli)于1434年成立,但在1437年,它未完成。Santo Spirito教堂的建设始于1436年。

San Lorenzo, Florence (Basilica di San Lorenzo)

图像来源: Deluxe

作为一个jeweler, in 1401 he fought for the right to makebronze佛罗伦萨洗礼的大门的浮雕。他制作了一个镀金的青铜面板,描绘了以撒的牺牲。但是委员会选择了小组Lorenzo Gilbertifor a more personal and elegant depiction of the Biblical scene.



How can we recognize Brunelleschi’s Style?

他的建筑风格是一种非常复杂的古典主义,受到12世纪托斯卡纳的启发罗马式or Proto-Renaissance style, as well as ancient Roman architecture. To allClassic Styleorders, he preferred theCorinthian Order以及他建筑的装饰元素,以非常清晰的风格雕刻。

佛罗伦萨,Duomo Di Firenze
佛罗伦萨,Duomo Di Firenze

图像来源: M. Groutas

The Importance of Brunelleschi’s Studies

Filippo Brunelleschi “rediscovered” theprinciples of linearperspective. Based on these principles he could draw or paint using a single vanishing point to which all the lines on the same plane seem to converge and objects appear smaller as they are placed to a growing distance. It was later documented by the architect and writerLeon Battista AlbertiatDe Piturain 1435, and then Florentine painters and sculptors became obsessed with it.

Brunelleschi’s Re-discovery of the Vanishing Point in Linear Perspective copy- Diagram of Brunelleschi’s experiment with linear perspective




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