Rome, Pompeii and Ercolano Excavations (1740)

During the 18th Century, Charles VII established his dominion in the South of Italy and decided to invest in

“Via dell’Abbondanza”, the main street of Pompeii.



1738年,当查尔斯七世国王下令建造他的夏季宫殿时,赫尔库兰尼姆(Herculaneum)出土。主要发掘是在1748年进行的,当时国王委托的西班牙军事工程师阿尔库比耶尔(Alcubierre)开始探索一个被称为“LaCività”的地区。圆形剧场区域的发掘并不令人鼓舞。1755年,发掘揭露朱莉娅·费利克斯的房子, the first building completely explored. Excavations in this period, because of the carelessness, caused the destruction of relics not deemed worthy enough for Charles VII’s museum at Portici until the arrival ofKarl Weberin Herculaneum, another interesting city to explore. Many people became aware of this happening in that part of Italy and, in the attempt to control what he saw as his, Charles VII denied the possibility to export antiquities in 1755. Visitors needed an invitation to see the discoveries. In the 1760s and 1770s, the interest in the preservation of Pompeii grew up a lot.

View of Herculaneum ruins.



这Villa wasdiscovered by Karl Weber in 1750and was an ancient estate for rich individuals. Villa of the Papyri was frozen for centuries and Weber drew a sketch of what the Villa would have looked like, using his knowledge and experience. His drawing featured the areas seen by him and his team, a bath, and several rooms. The villa’s front stretched for more than 250 meters, and it is faithful to the classical scheme of a罗马家。中庭用作入口大厅,是与房屋许多地方的联系。

纸莎草纸的别墅,Karl Weber的素描。


第一个蠕动的每一侧有10列,中间有一个游泳池。可以通过“tablinum”(位于中庭的一侧,与入口对面的房间)。客厅绕着门廊和露台,散发出主人的阳光并欣赏大海的景色。许多雕像仍然完好无损。史诗作家的雕像荷马, or Pan and Hermes. Probably, one of the most important discoveries at the estate were书籍和卷轴。Many questions arose around the inhabitants of Herculaneum, the answers will come many years later.


这个邪教是Greek起源并通过殖民地在意大利传播。邪教可以追溯到公元前6世纪,刻在发掘过程中的伊特鲁里亚碗碗上。它位于论坛上,是最重要的宗教建筑,其起源非常古老。寺庙被柱子包围着离子首都,后来取代Corinthiancapitals. The多立克Metopes和Trigphs的原料被转变为与Griffins,Festoons和Lotge的连续饰边。现在有些雕像在那不勒斯国家考古博物馆。这座寺庙有48个离子柱,处于高领奖台上,入口是希腊和斜体思想的融合。不寻常的是,牢房位于更远的地方。仍然可以看到白色marble祭坛上的石灰华基,上面刻有供应它的Quattuorviri(罗马帝国的四名官员)的名字。

寺庙of Apollo, replica statue of Apollo, Pompeii.


新古典主义and Enlightenment, Johann Joachim Winckelmann

新古典主义is a revival of classic antiquity inspired from the古典period, during Enlightenment, “the period of rationality“。复兴可以追溯到正式考古学的诞生Johann Joachim Winckelmann。作者的著作对于为这一运动提供指导方针很重要,并区分了古希腊和罗马艺术。温克尔曼(Winckelmann)认为,艺术应旨在“贵族和平静的宏伟”。盛大的巡回演唱会在整个欧洲带来了新古典的复兴。新古典主义在建筑,雕塑和装饰艺术方面很强。温克尔曼在传播庞贝和赫克拉尼发现的知识方面发挥了关键作用。

安东·冯·马龙(Anton von Maron),“约翰·约阿希姆·温克尔曼(Johann Joachim Winckelmann)的肖像”(1717-1768)


An Engraver’s View of Classic World

Giovan Battista Piranesiwas born in Venice. He was famous for his etchings of Rome (“罗马的景色“) and of fictitious and atmospheric “prisons” (“仍然创作出Carceri d》(Le 'Invenzione“). His first work was “Prima Parte di Architettura e Prospettive”(1743),其次是“Varie Vedute di Roma Antica e Moderna“。在克莱门特十二世(Clement XIII)的领导下,他恢复了在雷纳诺(Lewerano)和圣玛丽亚·德尔·普里尔托(Santa Maria del Priorato)的圣乔瓦尼合唱团。威尼斯和罗马通过大巡回演出。He underlined the poetic aspects of the ruins and humans appeared to echo the decay of the ruins. The late Baroque works influenced Piranesi’s art that will play a key role in Neoclassicism. Piranesi was prompted by the relics found at Herculaneum and Pompeii. He wanted to see these discoveries in a new light, giving his emotions an important place in his engravings. Piranesi was interested in theGraeco-Roman辩论, with Winckelmann who thought Greek culture was superior to the Roman, he thought it was vice-versa.

Pietro Labruzzi
Pietro Labruzzi“ Giovanni Battista Piranesi的死后肖像”(1720-1778)。



艺术家和作家受到了庞贝和赫克拉尼姆废墟中的物体的极大启发。他们努力在发掘开始后增长了有关庞贝的更多知识。这喷发of Vesuviusbecame a recurring theme in paintings all over Europe. In France and England, the neo-classical style embraced by artists such as Joseph Wright of Derby and Pierre-Jacques Volaire showed contemporary renditions of the classical world. The discovery of Pompeii and Herculaneum made these towns legendary with the same force that destroyed them.

Pierre-JacquesVolaire, View of the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius (1770).


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