Célia Nkala

Célia Nkala (1983) is an outstanding French designer and artist. Her design style is organic and minimal. The “Vertebra – Stackable candle holder“, from the “Ossement” collection is probably one of her most representative product.

Célia Nkala
Célia Nkala (1983), French designer.

Image source:http://www.hintofbeautiful.com/2013/09/i-spy-with-my-little-eye-coffee-with.html

Organic Design

Os Iliaque

Os Iliaque (Totem)
Porcelain enamel – 23 x 19 x 15 cm

Célia Nkala is a french designer born in 1983 in Reims. The collection “Ossement” was created for the Parisian studio Perception Park, and consists of different furnishing items sculpted in porcelain and inspired by human bones. The idea arose when Célia found a real human hip in a flea Market in Brussels, and was immediatly fascinated by the object. Her first piece, shaped in porcelain in order to make it more acceptable, was the “Iliac bone”. After her fist piece she borrowed a human skeleton from the anatomy department of a medical university to use as a model for the other pieces. The “Vertebra Vase” is a porcelain vase made of vertical and horizontal segments. The horizontal bits are made of cow’s sphenoid bones, found by chance in a Chinese store.

Vase Vertebral
Célia Nkala, “Vase Vertebral”. Vertebral vase
Earthenware, porcelain enamel, animal sphenoid bone – 16 × 30 cm

The “Vertebra – Stackable candle holder” is one of Nkala’s most famous creations. This candle holder features different porcelain vertebrae that can be disassembled into smaller segments.

Stackable vertebra candle holders by Célia Nkala
Célia Nkala, Stackable vertebra candle holders
Porcelain enamel – 7 × 10 cm

Image source:http://celiankala.com/artworks/ossements/index.php?l=en

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