Stone Age Tools

Ancient stone tools and other artefacts allow us to understand how early-human objects were conceived, how people lived and interacted with each other and their surroundings.


Image source:巴基斯坦的颜色

Imaginative depiction of the Stone Age, by Viktor Vasnetsov
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Stone Age time coordinates

石器时代表明石头被广泛用于制作器皿的庞大时期。到目前为止,第一个石材工具已经过时了2600万年前。The end is set at the first use of bronze around 3,300 BCE. Stone was not the only material used for tool making, yet it was the most durable one when it came to decaying and thus survived better than the others.

文件:Poignard 0.188.1 2 Fond.jpg

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Some Stone Age Facts

在石器时代的早期,人类生活在很小的地方roaming groups。During this period, the Earth was in the middle of an冰河世纪
石器时代人类被猎杀large mammals, such as mammoths, giant bison and deers. They usedstone toolstocut,weight and crush, earning better skills at extracting meat and other nutrients from animals and plants than their ancestors.
Around 14,000 years ago, Earth entered a warmer time and many of the large Ice Age animals were extinct. In the肥沃的新月, a boomerang-shaped region surrounded on the west by the Mediterranean Sea and the east by the Persian Gulf, wild corn and cereal became abundant as it got warmer. Humans started to build houses. They changed the nomadic lifestyle for farming.

Stone age axes and bracelet
Stone age axes and bracelet

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Pre-historic boars and deer
岩石绘画Bhimbetka,印度 - 史前野猪和鹿

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石材工具的第一个生产可以追溯到大约2.6 million years ago。最古老的石材用具,称为Oldowan工具包, 包括:
Hammerstonesthat show signs of beatings on their surfaces
石核that show flake marks along the edges
Sharp stone flakesthat allow to have cutting edges, along with lots of debris from percussion flaking.


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By about1.76 million years ago, early humans began shaping larger stones to create sharper objects for cutting purposes, like new kind of tools calledhandaxes。These utensils and other types of‘large cutting tools’characterize theAcheulean toolkit。These toolkits were made for an immense period,ending by around 400,000 to 250,000 years ago

A variety of Stone age tools and art

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Middle Stone Age Tools

大约400000至200000年前,石头shaping techniques began to increase. One of the main innovations was the application of the“准备好核心技术”, in which a core was particularly flaked on one side so that a flake, predetermined in size and shape, could be produced in a single cut.

Middle Paleolithic stone tools
Middle Paleolithic stone tools

Image source: Lee Todd, Ph.D.

Middle Stone Age toolkits included,可以将其固定在轴上以制作长矛。它们可以固定在较小,更光滑的轴上,以创建飞镖,箭头和其他武器。石头锥子本来可以用来用来打孔的皮肤,而刮擦物对于准备皮革很有用。此外,在此期间使用了木材和其他材料。


During the Later Stone Age, the speed of innovations grew. In addition to stone, people experimented with different raw materials (bone, ivory and antler). The level of craftsmanship increased, andHomo Sapiens groupssearched for their own unique cultural identity and adopted their ways of creating objects. The toolkits of Later Stone Age were diverse and reflected the cultural diversity of the earlier times, such as for example,“上旧石器时代”toolkits in Europe

“石器时代晚期”toolkits in Africa.


比例比例。1982年1月16日在Sénégal达喀尔的Ifan博物馆拍摄的照片。由J. Joffre收集。

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